Ministyy of Water Resources is PCRWR Act 2007 under the administrative the Pakistan National Water Internship Program for Graduate & Postgraduate degree holders in its offices at Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Karachi, Tandojam, Bahawalpur, Muzzafarabad and Gilgit for a period of four months. Eligible candidates holding degrees from HEC recognized Universities and international universities may apply.for this paid internship program exclusively designed for those who want to develop a career in the water sector.
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Pakistan National Water Internship Program 2023

Interested candidates may apply on the prescribed application forms available at
Degrees must be obtained from HEC recognized institutions within two years of the last date of publication of this advertisement.
Attested copies of degrees and detailed C.V should be attached with the application. Original documents will be examined during the interview.
A valid mobile number is required to be mentioned on the application for coordination during the recruitment process.
Title of the internship category should be mentioned on the envelope.
Only short listed candidates will be called for interview. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in the interview.
Applications should reach the below mentioned address within 15 days of publication of this advertisement.
Last Date To Apply:24June 2023